As many of you know I did my last confinement at one of the most prestige confinement centre in town and that is Bonda Villa.
The first 100% breastfeeding friendly confinement centre located in Kota Kemuning. Their package, well.....not really cheap but hey, if you do the calculation yourself with 6 organic/healthy meals a day, 24hours nurse service, lactation consultant and relaxing resort/villa 'feel', it's worth it.
I know what's running through your mind right now....hehe, I'm not rich myself and definitely not rich man's tai tai (wife) **chuckles** although that was my childhood dream*
What I can say is I'm very very lucky that I stumbled upon this place accidentally when I was 4 months pregnant, bought Gina's book on breastfeeding months before at Fabulous Mom and was ecstatic when I found out the Gina actually own this place.
That means I'm sure I will have 100% success in breastfeeding my baby. Why? Because it stated in term and condition that there will be NO formula-feed throughout the centre. Wow.... isn't this a good news or what? one will sneakily feed my baby with formula milk behind my back. Well, that's what happened to Caleb previously during my confinement. *cough-milfeedformulabehindmyback-cough*
And since they had this new opening promotion price, it's really REALLY worth it! But you know how Chinese/Malaysian mentality about 'cheap thing no good, good thing no cheap' philosophy. We were in doubt, of course. Jk actually drove me to the stated address and check the place out. Indeed, the place exists. :) Pheewwww..... and they're really good! I enjoyed my stay very much.
Last month, they were celebrating 1st anniversary and I was invited! Haha....Gina still remembered me. Well, how could she forget? Me and one of the mommy rummaging their refrigerator for foods during our stay.
Always. (*wink to Lauren Lai)

Pictures above: The celebrating cakes and 2 leng lui si tau pohs. (Pictures taken from Bonda Villa Facebook)
I'm so happy able to see all of them again. Especially Lauren, Sherry, Gina and Shirley, the 2 si tau poh. Because of them, I'm still breastfeeding Caven. Woww.....never I thought I can breastfeed for this long.
The nurses missed Caven so much and they even nicknamed him, 'Mr. Handsome'.

Generous Gina even gave us a copy of her 2nd edition Love Breastfeeding book. I know I don't need it anymore but hey, I can lend it those who need it right?
For those who are serious about breastfeeding should get a copy of this book. It is very informative. Everything you want to know about baby, breastfeeding positions, breastmilk nutrients, breastmilk storage, how much baby needs milk, why baby's's all in the book.
Now I'm looking forward for our next meeting. Birthday celebration in December!
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