
Friday, November 16, 2012

24 days to go...

24 days to go....

It was so hot today. In fact the weather is so hot everyday that I'm feeling like my body is exploding. My ceiling fan already kaput. Basically you can't even tell if you've already switched it on or not. So, now we are relying on one table fan that I've put on the floor to make the house bearable......

Today I can't stand it. I switched on the air con and the table fan and the ceiling fan (it does a little contribution although not much). Ahhh....that feel so much better. Then I remember I haven't cook lunch for Caleb. Darn! With the whole house feeling so comfortable, I don't want to ruin it with oily/stir-fried smell. So, I made simple kon lou meen (dry noddle) with minced pork and egg.

How I made it?

First I blanched the noodle. Then I blanched the minced pork and lastly I blanched the egg. Hahaha....Everything using the same pot of boiling water. Of course I add a bit of seasoning like thick soy sauce, light soy sauce, sesame oil, lil pepper and spoonful of garlic oil. Mmmm...yum yum.

The verdict? Caleb said "yummmmm......niceeee"



Unknown said...

I have always liked kon lou meen,, I must have it with Chili Padi...

you are right,the weather now is damn hot,here in Penang juga panas terik,,,,

have a great weekend ya

scarediechickenme said...

Eugene, u mentioned about kon lou meen and cili padi, I want to have it now...yum yum hehe

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